Occasional Papers

Occasional Papers are available to download on the Documents/Papers link on the top banner of this website. Volumes 1-10 (Volume #3 is missing – we will upload when we track it down and scan it in!). These papers are invaluable references on diaconal ministry in general, and the renewal of the UCA diaconate in particular.

Positions vacant

This section will be updated from time to time, when we are informed about positions for Deacons, or placements with a diaconal focus.

Please check the Synod websites for more information

February 2021

Canberra Presbytery NSW
Queanbeyan (1.0)
Contact Ms Rinda Scott, rindy47@gmail.com

Far North Coast Presbytery NSW
Lismore Regional Mission
Yamba-Iluka UC
Contact: Rev Peter Overton, revpeteraoverton@gmail.com

Georges River Presbytery NSW
Georges River – Presbytery Pastoral Relations Minister (1.0)
Contact: Richard Hanna, richardha@nswact.uca.org.au
Kogarah (advertised as MoW only)
Mrs Ruth Fyfe, ruth.fyfe@bigpond.com

Illawarra Presbytery NSW
Gerringong UC (1.0)
Contact: Rev Grant Bilbey, grantbilbey@optusnet.com.au

Macquarie Darling Presbytery NSW
Bathurst UC (1.0)
Contact: Rev Peter Harvey, peterh@nswact.uca.org.au

Parramatta-Nepean NSW
Parramatta-Centenary-Northmead UC (1.0)
Contact: Mr John Cutts, johnc@pnpuca.org.au
Wesley Castle Hill (advertised as MoW only – have had a Deacon previously)
Contact: Rev Geoff Stevenson, geoff@pnpuca.org.au

Engagement Coordinator – Engadine Uniting Church (NSW)
Engadine Uniting Church is seeking to build a more public expression of our core values and priorities and to participate in ministry that is relevant to the community in areas such as managing anxiety, action on climate change and social justice issues. The Engagement Coordinator will be responsible for supporting, encouraging and equipping the congregation to develop new communities and activities in which faith and spirituality can be expressed and explored in a variety of ways.
(Not specifically advertised for Ministry of Deacon but could be worth a conversation!)
Contact: admin@engadine.unitingchurch.org.au

  • For current available Uniting career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Wesley Mission career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Wayside Chapel career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Exodus Foundation career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Parramatta Mission career opportunities visit their website.

Presbytery of Gippsland and Frontier Services, Victoria
Bush Fire Recovery – Frontier Services Patrol
Contact: Anita Beer, 03 9340 8818, placements.secretary@victas.uca.org.au

Northern Synod – Pilgrim Presbytery
Presbytery Minister – Pilgrim Presbytery
Contact: Rev Helen Paine, Helen.Paine@ns.uca.org.au

Chaplaincy and Supervision Manager – South Australia
Classification: 0.6FTE Placement, initial period 5 years
Click on link for more information.
Applications Close: 1 March 2021

Queensland vacancies – click here

Western Australia – click here

Northern Synod – click here

20th celebrations to mark the renewal of the UCA diaconate

The 1991 UCA Assembly affirmed the renewal of the diaconate in the UCA, with the first Deacons ordained in 1992. To recognise the 20th anniversary, plans are being developed for celebrations in 2012. We’ll keep you posted as things develop…….

(UCA Deacons interested in the background planning can click on the ’20th celebrations’ on the top banner. It requires the password as it is password protected) – Sandy

DUCA Executive 2010-2012

At the DUCA meeting in October 2010, it was agreed that SA would provide leadership for DUCA, 2010-12. Sandy Boyce is the Convener of the DUCA Executive. The working style for the Executive will be based on networking with key individuals and groups, rather than doing all the DUCA business on their own. A small committee meets regularly, including Sue Langhans (DUCA Treasurer), Christa Megaw, Bill Harris, Juleen Villis, Cogs Smith and Naomi Rosenberg.
Contact details for Convener and Treasurer:
Rev Sandy Boyce, 0409 283 004, sandyeboyce@gmail.com
Rev Sue Langhans, 0417 868 221, suelang@chariot.net.au

Stoles – web links

Carrot Top Studios (Jenny Gallo)
Website – http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeoro2y/id6.html
Blogsite – http://www.carrottopstudio.blogspot.com

Jenny does wonderful work creating stoles for the seasons of the liturgical year. She is based in America, and with the strong Australian dollar it’s very reasonable to purchase online (PayPal or credit card). Cost of stoles is very reasonable and she does both the hanging at the front stoles as well as the ‘deacon’ across the body stoles. Either style is acceptable for Deacons. Jenny is very fast in shipping the stoles.
Highly recommended.

Contemporary Vestments – Alison Friend
Website – http://www.contemporaryvestments.com

Alison is based in Australia. Her stoles are well made, catering for both styles of stole. There are many options for the seasons of the liturgical year. The designs are contemporary and often with distinctive Australian images. The stoles are well crafted though more on the expensive side of things.

There are a number of other sources for stoles – please send URL links to Sandy Boyce, sandyeboyce@gmail.com, to update this resource.

Liturgical dress – UCA Guidelines (1992)

Deacons leading worship may choose to wear liturgical dress, and the UCA has prepared general guidelines on liturgical dress. Importantly, a Deacon may wear a stole across their body (symbolic of the towel Jesus wrapped around him when he washed the feet of the disciples), over their left shoulder and secured at the right hip. Alternatively, Deacons may wear a stole that hangs down at the front exactly the same as a Minister of the Word. A Deacon candidate or Intern may wear the blue UCA ‘scarf’. You can read more in the guidelines, Guidelines on Liturgical Dress

The Spirit of Things – greening the church

Australia’s first Eco Ministry was established by Rev Jason John. This interview on the Spirit of Things on the ABC includes a conversation with John, as well as Miriam Pepper, who has worked as the co-ordinator and outreach officer for Project Green Church at Maroubra Junction Uniting Church, which aims to reduce the church’s environmental impact. The interview also includes Rev Peter Hobson and Geoff Callaghan.
The transcript can be read here, Spirit of Things – ecofaith