Videos – Ministry of Deacon

We are creating a library of video resources on the DUCA Vimeo Channel related to the Ministry of Deacon which will be helpful to those in Period of Discernment, PoD mentors, candidates, supervisors, JNCs, congregations, Presbytery Ministers, Placement Committees etc. 

Deacons in placements (we’d love some more to add to the library of videos)
Rev John Brentnall (Deacon)

Rev Andrew Broadbent (Deacon)

Rev Duncan Diarmid (Deacon)

Rev Natalie Dixon-Monu (Deacon)

Rev Wendy Elson (Deacon)

Rev Karen Paull (Deacon)


Public Theology, Justice and Advocacy – Rev Sandy Boyce (Deacon)

Bible Studies

UCA Assembly – Bible Studies from Nungalinya College facilitated by Rev Michelle Cook (Deacon) and Rev Maratja Dhamarrandji (Deacon), a leader of the Northern Regional Council of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and former chair of the Nungalinya Board.