Sharon was ordained on June 18th, 2011 and you can read the ordination sermon here.
The portal for Deacons in the Uniting Church in Australia
Occasional Papers are available to download on the Documents/Papers link on the top banner of this website. Volumes 1-10 (Volume #3 is missing – we will upload when we track it down and scan it in!). These papers are invaluable references on diaconal ministry in general, and the renewal of the UCA diaconate in particular.
This service is to be used to recognise the commencement of a Deacon Intern in placement, and can be downloaded here. The Service of Recognition of an Intern
Deacon is a role in the Christian Church is generally associated with service of some kind, but which varies among theological and denominational traditions. In many traditions, the diaconate, the term for a deacon’s office, is a clerical office; in others, it is for laity. The word deacon (and deaconess) is derived from the Greek word diakonos (διάκονος). For an informative article on the breadth of expressions of diaconal ministry, check out the Wikipedia article here. You may even be inspired to add to the UCA section!
Congratulations to Nigel Hawken who was ordained on 4th March 2011 as a Uniting Church Deacon by Parramatta Nepean Presbytery, and inducted into the pastoral team ministry at St Vincent’s Hospital by the Sydney Presbytery of the UCA.
Rev Cogs (Coral) Smith is ready to commence a placement at Blackwood UC (SA) in the area of community ministry. Blackwood is a suburb in the Adelaide Hills. It will be a change of pace after 10 years of congregational ministry in older congregations in the Western Suburbs of Adelaide. She will be working in a team ministry with the Rev Leanne Jenski (MoW). Blackwood is a larger congregation of about 275 regular attenders over two services (9.15 & 11.00).
As well as a playgroup and other activities, they run an extensive community program of arts, crafts, yoga, men’s shed etc.
Cogs will take up a role in the community programs, to build on existing programs as well as develop new initiatives. The existing community programs have an average attendance of 300 people and runs in school terms. A paid coordinator administrates these programs.
Cogs work as the Outreach Ministry Worker position is threefold-
– To support and encourage leaders, volunteers and participants of existing outreach programs.
– To seek opportunities to enhance and build on existing programs.
– To identify and develop new initiatives for community engagement.
Cogs writes, “It is a great opportunity to do some deacon work! When I was going through college, I can remember the then principle shaking his head and saying, “what will you do when you leave college”.
MEC Guidelines for organisation of the Deacon pre-sessional
Remembering Frances McKechnie – Order of Service at Frances’ funeral.