Easter 2011 greetings from Sr Doris Horn, President, Diakonia World Federation: Easter greetings
Category: Deacon news – ecumenical
News and newsletters and links to ecumenical diaconal groups in Australia and around the world
April edition – DIAKONIA News
The first edition of the DIAKONIA News for 2011 has just been completed, with world news from the three regions of the World DIAKONIA Federation – DAP (DIAKONIA Asia Pacific), DOTAC (DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean) and DRAE (DIAKONIA Region Africa-Europe).
It’s a great read – informative and inspiring!
DIAKONIA News – 0411
Rev Sandy Boyce (Deacon) is the alternate President of the DAP region, and co-editor of the World DIAKONIA News (and in this role will be attending World Executive meetings once a year). Sandy would be glad to hear any stories you’d like to see included in the next edition of DIAKONIA News.
DUCC Canada newsletter
Alison tried hard to post the DUCC newsletter as an attachment on the email list, but it was too large to send. I’ve uploaded it onto the site, so you can read it here:
If you want to get it directly to your own email address in the future, contact Caryn Douglas in Canada (caryndouglas AT shaw DOT ca), or go to the Canadian web address which is listed in the newsletter.