Rev Jean Mayers

(Story originally published in Crosslight, written by Deb Bennett 2015)

Rev Deacon Jean Mayers has been a minister with the Uniting Church for 12 years, for the last five at Numurkah and Nathalia/Picola churches. While juggling commitments as a minister in three congregations with grandmother duties would be enough for most 77 year olds, Jean decided that she wanted more of a challenge.

Last year, Jean decided that she wanted to ‘trade places’ for a month with a minister from the Church of North India (CNI).

Jean spoke with her long-time friend and Bishop of the Church of North India (CNI), Bishop Samantaroy (Bunu), who shared her excitement at the idea.

“The aim of the exchange was to ‘swap places’ – to be totally submerged in each other’s church and to learn from one another’s ministry, comparing and contrasting with one’s own, each other’s cultures and customs,” Jean said.

After consulting with a myriad of people throughout the Uniting Church – church councils, presbytery, moderator and general secretary, and UnitingWorld – it became clear that this initiative had not been undertaken before. Although all expressed enthusiasm, Jena found there was little anyone could offer in the way of practical advice.

Rev Vijay Kumar was chosen by Bishop Bunu to take part in the exchange. The congregations of Numurkah and Nathalia/Picola helped to pay for Vijay’s visit, and UnitingWorld offered to pay for his travel insurance. April of this year was chosen as the time for the swap to take place, as the weather in both countries would not be too challenging.

Mindful of the difficulties inherent in overseas travel, Jean said she also planned well in advance in case there was a “spanner in the works’. As she explained, there were plenty of those.

“I had had previous experience in sponsoring an Indonesian deaconess on a visit some eight years ago and so was aware of the difficulties which can arise – especially with visas,” Jean said.

It turned out Jean was right to be concerned. After a lot of paper work and phone calls, the visa was finally granted after the Office of the Minister for Immigration intervened in the week Vijay was due to depart.

In the meantime, Jean’s congregation were busy preparing for Vijay’s visit.

“It was decided that a month would be a good period of time for the exchange,” Jean said.

“Time tables were drawn up for both of us in order that we experience day-to-day life as a minister in each other’s placement; a ‘Vijay committee’ was formed consisting of people from my congregations, and roles and jobs assigned.”

Vijay finally arrived on 25 March this year, a week before Jean headed off to India.

Jean arrived in Delhi on 1 April and flew on to Amritsar. She describes her experience in India as truly ‘life changing’. While issues such as poverty and the unjust caste system were challenging, the faith of the people in the face of adversity was inspiring.

“To hear of female infanticide from mothers, talk with people recovering from HIV, and to see how UnitingWorld – on our behalf – is helping in education, brought forth mixed feelings including powerlessness, anger and admiration at the way people made the best of their lives.

“I was invited to preach in the Amritsar Cathedral and participated in worship, aided by an English speaking interpreter with the Hindi speaking congregation. Home praying and laying-on of hands, pastoral visiting, Easter foot-washing, praying in the cemetery, Bible study, requests from pregnant women praying for a son, driving out demons, made up aspects of my daily time table.”

While understanding the cultural and economic reasons why women wanted boys, Jean explained she declined the invitation to pray for a son.

“I learned that 99 per cent of the congregation had been members of the Dalit caste (lowest caste in the Hindu caste system) and that they are very passionate about their faith and love of God. There were differences when compared with my ministry, such as administering communion to 400 communicants compared with 60 at Numurkah.

“Nevertheless there were many similarities in both the Indian and Australian experience. It truly was a learning experience.”

Jean stayed in Amritsar for a week after Vijay returned so they could discuss their experiences together. Both agreed the exchange had been a successful learning experience.

When asked, Jean is unsure who suffered the greatest culture shock.

“It took both of us a couple of weeks to settle back into our respective placements and we both suffered stomach upsets and sleeplessness on return. After seeing so much deprivation, I found it hard to adjust to my western lifestyle; Vijay of course had experienced western excesses and comparative luxury. How much harder it must have been for him on his return.”

Rev Heather Selwood

Minute of Appreciation – Rev Heather Selwood (Qld Synod 2012)

Rev Heather Selwood has served as a Minister of Deacon since her ordination on the 30th June 1997. While it is her retirement from this ministry which is being acknowledged at this time, she has known and served Christ for the whole of her life, and that life of discipleship will continue in the years of retirement. Prior to her training for ministry, Heather had been an occupational therapist, living in rural towns where John worked as a school teacher, and she had completed a Diploma in Religious Education. It was while living in Laidley that Heather and John responded to a call to ordained ministry. Heather has served in two settlements – Laidley for 3 years, and for the past 12 years in Kingaroy-Kumbia-Wondai-Proston.
Heather has exercised a ministry alongside John, and the strength of their marriage relationship has flowed into their working together in ministry. Heather‟s ministry has been multi-faceted reflecting her many gifts and skills, and has been exercised with love and grace, and with competence and commitment.
Heather worked with Laidley Crisis Care and Blue Care Respite in Laidley, and as a Blue Care Chaplain in Kingaroy and Murgon. In Kingaroy she taught a Lay Hospital Chaplaincy Course for members of the Inland Zone. Her ministry in these areas have shown wisdom, sensitivity and warm acceptance of those amongst whom she has ministered.
These pastoral care skills have also been exercised on the Pastoral Relations Committee of the Mary Burnett Presbytery, in her support of newly appointed lay pastors in the Inland Zone of the Presbytery, her standing alongside lay people who were learning how to conduct funerals in their local congregations, and her general availability to those who sought her guidance.
Heather has enjoyed preaching and leading worship, and has done so with prayerfulness and creativity. Her skills as a pianist have always been offered when required, and her willingness to play for worship at Presbytery meetings and Retreats has been much appreciated. Heather possesses excellent administrative skills and gives attention to detail which has contributed to the ministry of the local congregation, the Zone and the Presbytery.
Along with John, she has served the Presbytery and Synod, and various conferences and seminars, in managing the technologies which have enabled the smooth running of these meetings.
Heather‟s many gifts and skills have been made available to Christ and the Church, and these have been offered competently and humbly where required. She has shown wisdom and insight, thoughtfulness and care, based in a deep and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. We give thanks for Heather‟s ministry, and for the ways in which she has touched the lives of so many people with the love and care of God. Heather‟s sense of humour, her warm hospitality, her warmth and acceptance of people has been a hallmark of her ministry. We pray that Heather and John will have a healthy and blessed retirement, and know that Heather will continue to be a blessing in the lives of many in the years ahead.

Personal Reflection
Having come into ordained ministry as a “mature aged student‟, there was some adjustment to the academic life, especially as our own family were also studying at the time. Through that time, and the following years in parishes, my sense of call from God was always very strong and carried me through times of difficulty and doubt. John and I were called at the same time, and have worked together, and I am very thankful for that. I believe that we have complemented one another in our roles and what we have been able to offer to the church.
Having been in lay ministry roles for many years before our ordinations, we had extra understanding of, and feeling for, the ways in which congregational members contribute to the life of the church. It is they who continue the work when ministers move on (or retire), and maintain the church‟s presence in the community. I believe that it is vital for the church to work within the community, especially through the agencies of UnitingCare. As a deacon, this has been an emphasis for me, although I do consider that it should be an important part of every minister‟s role. The church expresses its mission in the community by means of its agencies, the agencies gain another (critical) dimension to their service, and the people of the community who are served receive so much more. God‟s hands rests on his people when they have a common purpose with their Lord. I thank the church for the opportunity to be enabled to answer God‟s call over the past 15 years.

Ruth Hill

Original article by Helen Spelitis here.

RUTH Hill was only a baby when her father went away to fight in the Second World War but every night she kissed his photo before going to bed.

One night a man appeared at the front door.

Ruth’s mother rushed to meet him and said ‘better go easy with the children, you’re a stranger to them’.

Only Ruth knew all too well the man at the door was the same man whose photo she had been staring at each night.

“I came running through the house with my arms outstretched saying daddy,” Ruth said.

“I threw myself into his arms. He nearly fell down the stairs.”

Ruth Hill was born on September 10, 1943 and was the second woman ever to become a minister in the Presbyterian Church.

While she now lives at Rosewood, Ruth grew up in Brisbane.

Her family home in Mitchelton backed onto the train line and even now Ruth can remember the taste and smell of the mandarins that fell from the tree in their yard.

When Ruth finished school she moved into the nurses’ quarters at St Helens (Private) Hospital in South Brisbane.

She devoted four years of her life to learning how to care for others, yet never ended up working as a qualified nurse; love had other plans.

Growing up Ruth was always heavily involved with the Uniting Church.

When she was 13-years-old, a young minister came to speak at her parish and Ruth was inspired by his words.

“I said to my mother afterwards, ‘wasn’t he lovely? That’s the sort of man I want to marry one day’,” Ruth said.

“One day dear, my mum told me. And one day I did.”

When Ruth was 20-years-old the mysterious minister, named Kenneth, returned to the parish and the pair instantly clicked.

Nine days of courting followed and in a year they were married. It was about a week after Ruth finished her nursing studies.

“He didn’t propose as such, he told me,” Ruth said.

“I was thinking about going to Tasmania to study midwifery but didn’t feel quite right about it.

“Then I was talking it over with Kenneth and he said, ‘well you could stay here instead and we could marry at the end of the year’.

“I almost died. After a little while he said, ‘well, you haven’t answered’.

“I said well no, you haven’t asked me, so he did.”

A little more than a year after they were married Ruth fell pregnant.

She and Kenneth raised four babies, three boys and one girl but only the birth of the girl was straightforward.

“I was in labour for five days with one of them,” Ruth said. “I remember the doctor coming to see me at home to ask how I was. I told them I would be better if they took me into theatre, knocked me out and took the baby out of me somehow; and that’s what they did.”

Later in life Ruth studied to join her husband’s life work and become a minister herself; the second woman ever to take up the position.

She joined the hospital chaplaincy at the Wesley Hospital and spent her time sitting with patients, listening and comforting them in their time of need.

Two years ago Ruth and her husband Kenneth moved into Cabanda Care at Rosewood, a change in lifestyle they were both ready for and are enjoying.

Rev Jenny Busch

Speaking words of life and love
Meet Rev Jenny Busch, Uniting Church chaplain at the
Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in South Brisbane.

This is holy ground and I am learning to walk tenderly and reverently in and out of rooms and families and situations. My prayer is that, somehow, my presence might remind people – sick children, family members, other visitors and staff – of the presence of Christ.

I am amazed how much I have grown spiritually since starting in the hospital in June 2016. I am drawn more fully to the life and power of Jesus to sustain my own faith and hope. While I join the families in hope and prayer for their children, it is my role to also assure them of the loving presence and power of Christ regardless of their immediate circumstances.

Although I felt called to serve at the hospital, which cares for children from across the state and even overseas, waves of panic would wash over me when I thought about some of the things I might see and experience. In my early days here, I would quietly and prayerfully walk through the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, visually and spiritually preparing my mind and body for what God might ask of me.
The first time I received a call to do an emergency baptism of a dying infant, I found myself praying not only for them but for myself. Could I do this without crying?

But as I read the words of the baptism service and owned for myself again that Christians are baptised into the death and resurrection of Christ, I realised that while many others from the hospital that day were talking to this young mum and dad about death, I had the privilege of speaking into that situation of life in God. The baptism certificate, photos, candle and commemorative Bible will forever speak to this family, and to me, of the loving, eternal power of Christ.