MEC Guidelines for pre-sessional
MEC Guidelines for organisation of the Deacon pre-sessional
The portal for Deacons in the Uniting Church in Australia
MEC Guidelines for organisation of the Deacon pre-sessional
The official DUCA brochure on the diaconate in the UCA
Deacon Brochure (original)
DUCA 2012 Conference to be held in Sydney in July.
The Deacon pre-sessional will be held in Sydney starting the weekend of Saturday 23rd June 2012, following by the Deacon Continuing Education program in the second week which will also include the DUCA business meeting. Members of the NSW planning group are Karen Mitchell- Lambert, Miriam Parker-Lacey, Aimee Kent and Marion Gledhill (representing Deacons), William Emilsen (representing UTC) and Carolyn Thornley (Dean of Candidates). Deacons are encouraged to make a note of the dates and plan to attend.
Rev Prof Bill Loader’s ordination charge to Lesley deGrussa-Macaulay (2004)
Rev Prof Bill Loader’s ordination charge to Isobelle Shortreed (2004)
The report to the tenth Assembly of the UCA of the Review of Deacons’ ministry.