Positions vacant

This section will be updated from time to time, when we are informed about positions for Deacons, or placements with a diaconal focus.

Please check the Synod websites for more information

February 2021

Canberra Presbytery NSW
Queanbeyan (1.0)
Contact Ms Rinda Scott, rindy47@gmail.com

Far North Coast Presbytery NSW
Lismore Regional Mission
Yamba-Iluka UC
Contact: Rev Peter Overton, revpeteraoverton@gmail.com

Georges River Presbytery NSW
Georges River – Presbytery Pastoral Relations Minister (1.0)
Contact: Richard Hanna, richardha@nswact.uca.org.au
Kogarah (advertised as MoW only)
Mrs Ruth Fyfe, ruth.fyfe@bigpond.com

Illawarra Presbytery NSW
Gerringong UC (1.0)
Contact: Rev Grant Bilbey, grantbilbey@optusnet.com.au

Macquarie Darling Presbytery NSW
Bathurst UC (1.0)
Contact: Rev Peter Harvey, peterh@nswact.uca.org.au

Parramatta-Nepean NSW
Parramatta-Centenary-Northmead UC (1.0)
Contact: Mr John Cutts, johnc@pnpuca.org.au
Wesley Castle Hill (advertised as MoW only – have had a Deacon previously)
Contact: Rev Geoff Stevenson, geoff@pnpuca.org.au

Engagement Coordinator – Engadine Uniting Church (NSW)
Engadine Uniting Church is seeking to build a more public expression of our core values and priorities and to participate in ministry that is relevant to the community in areas such as managing anxiety, action on climate change and social justice issues. The Engagement Coordinator will be responsible for supporting, encouraging and equipping the congregation to develop new communities and activities in which faith and spirituality can be expressed and explored in a variety of ways.
(Not specifically advertised for Ministry of Deacon but could be worth a conversation!)
Contact: admin@engadine.unitingchurch.org.au

  • For current available Uniting career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Wesley Mission career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Wayside Chapel career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Exodus Foundation career opportunities visit their website.
  • For Parramatta Mission career opportunities visit their website.

Presbytery of Gippsland and Frontier Services, Victoria
Bush Fire Recovery – Frontier Services Patrol
Contact: Anita Beer, 03 9340 8818, placements.secretary@victas.uca.org.au

Northern Synod – Pilgrim Presbytery
Presbytery Minister – Pilgrim Presbytery
Contact: Rev Helen Paine, Helen.Paine@ns.uca.org.au

Chaplaincy and Supervision Manager – South Australia
Classification: 0.6FTE Placement, initial period 5 years
Click on link for more information.
Applications Close: 1 March 2021

Queensland vacancies – click here

Western Australia – click here

Northern Synod – click here

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